Wichmann Innovations Award

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Your vote for the best product

After the suspension of the Wichmann Innovations Award in 2020 attributable to the pandemic, Wichmann Verlag resumes the coveted award in the categories “hardware” and “software”.

There are two steps to the award procedure: In the first step, an independent jury of experts examined all submissions and nominated the top products and services. Criteria for evaluation were “degree of innovation or novelty”, “usability”, and “practicality”. The jury’s voting will count for 60 % in the final assessment, as in previous years. Now it’s time for the public to vote for the best products on show at the Intergeo.

Join in! Choose your top product from the nominees presented here. Vote online by 22 September. With a bit of luck you’ll win a Jochen Schweizer Voucher.

The jury – consisting of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Blankenbach, RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Joos of Runder Tisch GIS e. V., Dr.-Ing. Markus Seifert, LVG Bayern, Dipl.-Ing. Udo Stichling, President of the DDGI, and Prof. Dr. Josef Strobl of the University of Salzburg – once again agreed to evaluate the applications. We expressly thank both the jury and the applicants.

The award will be presented on the Intergeo.

Following you will find short summaries of the selected products and applications.

Now it’s up to you. Who will win the trophies? Who will push all others aside and beat the competition in the Wichmann Innovation Award? The online voters can also look forward to some attractive prizes. Win a Jochen Schweizer Adventure Box, a subscription for our gis.Business/gis.Science and avn journals, or a book from the Wichmann publishing catalogue.

The Wichmann team wishes you good luck.

deeeper.technology GmbH: deeeper Landcover

The Geo-AI Kassandra surveys land cover nationwide and with centimeter accuracy from digital orthophoto (DOP) and multispectral satellite images. This semantically segments the use and coverage of the land and digitizes, for example, the location of houses, sealed surfaces, forests and bodies of water as economically usable information. The collected segmentation of the land is especially for regional authorities an important data basis for the administration, because for example sealed areas are collected independently and automated for the first time.

www.deeeper-technology.de// Hall 20, booth 20C.25

GI Geoinformatik GmbH: FANi – antragsbegleitende App zur EU-Förderflächenkontrolle

FANi (Fotos Agrarförderung Niedersachsen) is an app that supports and accelerates the process between application and the approval of payouts in the context of the EU subsidy for farmland. Through the rollout of the area monitoring, the previous on-site inspections by the agricultural administration are extended by the participation of the farmers with the help of this app. Using the app, applicants are directly involved in any clarifications and can submit required evidence directly via the app.

www.gi-geoinformatik.de // Digital Showroom