This mini-review examines the use of GIS analyses in studies that explore human-nature relations in urban contexts. Publications were retrieved using the same search terms in Google Scholar and Web of Science, sorted by relevance, and the resulting first 30 publications from each database were considered for this review. For the purpose of this mini-review, a typology was developed to characterize publications according to level of approach, human-nature interaction, scientific purpose of quantification and level of GIS technique. Our results indicate that there are very few urban humannature publications that use GIS techniques (n=7). The resulting seven publications were grouped whether they used GIS for mapping, spatial analyses to produce explanatory variables, or in combination with participatory techniques. Our results indicate that geo-data is currently underused in studies examining urban human-nature relations.
Autor / Author: | Schwarz-v.Raumer, Hans-Georg; Fischer, Leonie; Jakstis, Kristen |
Institution / Institution: | Stuttgart University, Stuttgart/Germany; Stuttgart University, Stuttgart/Germany; Stuttgart University, Stuttgart/Germany |
Seitenzahl / Pages: | 12 |
Sprache / Language: | Englisch |
Veröffentlichung / Publication: | JoDLA – Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 7-2022 |
Tagung / Conference: | Digital Landscape Architecture 2022 – Hybrid Landscapes |
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: | Harvard University, Cambridge Mass, USA 09-06-22 - 10-06-22 |
Schlüsselwörter (de): | |
Keywords (en): | Human-nature relationship, urban nature, urban green infrastructure, geo-data processing, GIS |
Paper review type: | Full Paper Review |
DOI: | doi:10.14627/537724059 |
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