Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture

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Landscape Perception through Complex Data:Exploring George Hargreaves’s Queen ElizabethOlympic Park in London

This paper discusses a case study of users’ perceptions of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London through an object-oriented data analysis of the text of Tweets. Starting with the gathering of text data from Twitter, the interdisciplinary team of researchers explores the potential of semantic analysis to provide designers with a tool for describing the experience of a place.

Autor / Author: Riva, Paola; Sturla, Paola; Calissano, Anna; Vantini, Simone
Institution / Institution: Politecnico di Milano, Milan/Italy; Harvard Graduate School of Design, Massachusetts/USA; Politecnico di Milano, Milan/Italy; Politecnico di Milano, Milan/Italy
Seitenzahl / Pages: 15
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: JoDLA − Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 4-2019
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2019 – Landscape: Informed by Science, Shaped by Design
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Anhalt University, Dessau, Germany 22-05-19 - 25-05-19
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Object-oriented data analysis, statistical text analysis, text embedding, perception, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, exploration, interdisciplinary studies
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
DOI: doi:10.14627/537663005
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