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Räumliche Differenzierung der Beiträge erneuerbarer Energien zur Einhaltung des Klimaabkommens von Paris mittels GIS

Spatial Differentiation of Renewable Energies for the Ratification of the Paris Agreement Using GIS

The potential spatio-temporal patterns of renewable energies, which take into account international climate protection strategies, were neither analysed nor exactly visualised in their landscape complexity. Based on a GIS, we therefore want to model a regional energy landscape that corresponds to the objectives of the UN Climate Conference of Paris in terms of its regional greenhouse gas balance in the electricity sector. The analyses reveal that a strict orientation of the energy transition towards climate protection goals would strongly mechanise rural areas and significantly transform them ecologically and socially.

Autor / Author: Bosch, Stephan; Kienmoser, Dominik
Institution / Institution: Universität Augsburg, Deutschland; Universität Augsburg, Deutschland
Seitenzahl / Pages: 11
Sprache / Language: Deutsch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 7-2021
Tagung / Conference: AGIT 2021 – Symposium und Fachmesse Angewandte Geoinformatik
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Salzburg, Österreich 07-07-21 - 08-07-21
Schlüsselwörter (de): Energielandschaften, Energiewende, Modellierung, Flächennutzungskonflikte
Keywords (en): Energy landscapes, energy transition, modelling, land use conflicts
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
DOI: doi:10.14627/537707002
7055 - Räumliche Differenzierung der Beiträge erneuerbarer Energien zur Einhaltung des Klimaabkommens von Paris mittels GIS