Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture

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Teaching Landscape Architecture: An Experimental Approach Combining Data-driven Methods and Parametric Modelling

This paper aims to research a connection between architecture and landscape by way of a digital action between code and understanding the differences between top-down (architecture) and bottom-up tendencies (landscape). In close cooperation between landscape architects with a landscape ecology background and students of architecture, we tried to combine analytical and design tools. We have achieved interesting results using tools such as GIS, Rhinoceros and the coding platform Grasshopper. Our case study takes place in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, with one of the biggest urban renewal areas in the country.

Autor / Author: Kopřivová, Iveta; Sedláček, Jozef; Vítek, Jiří
Institution / Institution: Mendel University in Brno/Czech Republic; Mendel University in Brno/Czech Republic; Brno University of Technology, Brno/Czech Republic
Seitenzahl / Pages: 10
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: JoDLA − Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 4-2019
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2019 – Landscape: Informed by Science, Shaped by Design
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Munich-Freising, Germany 22-05-19 - 25-05-19
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Parametric modelling, urban renewal, education, succession
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
DOI: doi:10.14627/537663037
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