Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture

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Measuring Sounds with a Grid Method for Supporting the Design of Public Spaces

Sound is a “forgotten” element and is seldom considered a built environment feature by urban planners, architects, landscape architects, civil engineering and many other disciplines. Currently, there are a few studies related to sound approaches in the United States. Accordingly, this research provides a scope of the relationship between sound and public space by performing mobile devices in Dallas Fort-Worth metropolitan area. The main question of this study is whether characteristics, program elements and use of public open spaces have a relationship to sound levels. To answer the aforementioned research question, this study adopts technological instruments for sound environment in public open spaces by using the grid method for sound measurements. This research suggests that time intervals associate with sound levels. Additionally, this study provides comparison of micro programmable spaces within a public space regarding sound.

Autor / Author: Yildirim, Yalcin
Institution / Institution: University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA
Seitenzahl / Pages: 8
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: JoDLA − Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 2-2017
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2017 – Responsive Landscapes
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Bernburg, Germany 07-06-17 - 10-06-17
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Sound environment, landscape architecture, urbanized areas, micro programmed elements
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
DOI: doi:10.14627/537629015
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