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A Workshop in Digital GeoDesign Synthesis

The promise of geodesign when used in a digital environment differs from traditional design done digitally in the way it can be implemented. Traditionally, digital design involves the direct allocation of land uses to build a plan or the application of spatial optimization models. The workflow is based on drawing and digitization of plan objects which constitute a design in a serial fashion, and once these are drawn they are then evaluated for performance. What makes geodesign fundamentally different from a tra­di­tional design process is the workflow, the process of creating a design. Geodesign is nor­mal­ly a collaborative enterprise, in which computers respond to changes in design as the various stakeholders are building it. The ability to create a design collaboratively and ra­pidly measure its impacts as the team proceeds, fast iteration in rapid design cycles through several improving versions of a design, and the use of a digital platform for collaboration and communication form the basis of the geodesign workflow. These are significant ways in which geodesign workflow differs significantly from a traditional one.

Autor / Author: Ballal, Hrishikesh; Steinitz, Carl
Institution / Institution: University College London, UK; University College London, UK/Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Seitenzahl / Pages: 8
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: Peer Reviewed Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 – Landscape Architecture and Planning
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Dessau, Germany 04-06-15 - 06-06-15
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Geodesign, digital geodesign workflow
Paper review type: Invited contribution
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