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Visual-Acoustic Simulations for Integrating Cultural Landscape Values into Wind Park Assessments

Instruments for capturing the experiential and social values of the landscape are not yet well developed. These are needed in a format that is suitable for a comprehensive landscape impact assessment derived from public perceptions in participatory processes. Concerning the assessment of future wind parks, a critical deficit lies in appropriate visual and aural simulation tools to garner public perceptions of alternative wind park locations and designs. We present a visual-acoustic simulation tool and demonstrate its implementation in an experiment for gathering people’s preferences and values with regards to wind park scenarios in different landscape types. The results indicate there are factors that influence the acceptance of wind parks, such as the landscape type, information on the hazard level to birds, and individual attitudes. Hence, the simulations may be suitable to evaluate cultural landscape values when provided to the local public, and could help to better define thresholds for future wind parks according to landscape types.

Autor / Author: Manyoky, Madeleine; Ribe, Robert G.; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne; Wissen Hayek, Ulrike
Institution / Institution: ETH Zurich, Switzerland; University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA; ETH Zurich, Switzerland; ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Seitenzahl / Pages: 6
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: Peer Reviewed Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 – Landscape Architecture and Planning
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Dessau, Germany 04-06-15 - 06-06-15
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Simulation, landscape values
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
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