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Framing Nature: Using Augmented Reality to Communicate Ecosystem Services

Public awareness and understanding of ecosystem services has tended to lag behind the increasing use of the concept in landscape planning and design. Augmented reality tools on mobile devices such as smartphones have the potential to help communicate the provision of ecosystem services in different landscape settings and enhance the scope for more participatory landscape governance. This paper discusses the development of such a smartphone-based tool and examines its merits compared to a more traditional paper leaflet in the context of an evaluation by members of the public attending short organised walks in urban and rural river landscapes in Norfolk, UK.

Autor / Author: Taigel, Sarah; Lovett, Andrew; Appleton, Katy
Institution / Institution: University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom; University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom; University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Seitenzahl / Pages: 8
Sprache / Language: Englisch
Veröffentlichung / Publication: Peer Reviewed Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2014 at ETH Zurich
Tagung / Conference: Digital Landscape Architecture 2014 – Landscape Architecture and Planning
Veranstaltungsort, -datum / Venue, Date: Zurich, Switzerland 21-05-14 - 23-05-14
Schlüsselwörter (de):
Keywords (en): Mobile devices, Augmented Reality, ecosystem services
Paper review type: Full Paper Review
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